IsleStart Ltd is a new company based in Sandown, Isle of Wight. Our aim is to help young people who are disadvantaged through unemployment or disability, or who are struggling with aspects of their education and who might benefit from some practical, skills-based experience in a real work setting. Through training and mentoring youngsters may be employed by us on short-term contracts, during which time they will develop a broad range of skills to help them get a foothold in long-term employment elsewhere. We will also be reaching out to local colleges to offer work placements related to further education.
We are proud to have taken over the Careprint brand, an established and successful business producing a wide range of products, but specialising in the provision of funeral stationery across the UK to private clients and funeral homes. Under the guidance of a team of professional designers, youngsters learn the need for an understanding and professional approach, alongside a prompt and reliable service, delivered to a very high standard.
As a fully functional design and print workshop, working with retail and trade, we already employ local staff, formerly trained under the Covid era DWP Kickstarter scheme. Youngsters learn vital skills in business administration, cloud-based workflows, team working, communication and telephone skills, customer service, web management, the use of industry-standard design software, through to production and finishing of printed products.
Giving our young people a good start in life is not only vital for their future success, but also for the wider community in which they live.
IsleStart is already proving a dynamic and purposeful enterprise, and those in our initial young workforce are making great progress. We look forward to making a difference to more young people’s lives on the Island over the coming months and years.